Month: November 2022

My Future Robot Servant

By Morgan


My future robot servant would be short. It would be named Sally. It would be able to do my dishes, my Landry, she would be able to drive but when driving it would be a very safe and would protect me or my family at any moment and it could be able to give me reminders for example the robot would be connected to my phone, and I would create an app to control it. I would make it so when I put a reminder on my phone/the app the robot would be able to remind me. Using the app, I could command the robot to stop or tell it to come to me. The robot would have very many passwords and thumb prints and voice identifications so no one would be able to hack it. The robot would not be able to speak, it would have words on the screen when it wanted to ask me a question or tell me something. BUT when it tells me a reminder it WOULD talk, it would talk in my voice and say things like ‘Reminder you must leave to go to curling at 6:30’. The robot would be black, white, and gray and show no emotions. The robot would also help with my homework. That is what my robot servant would look like, talk like, and help me with.